Headshots Photographers in Melbourne

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We specialize in professional branding to help you seem your best, and we provide our reasonable costs together with headshots of professional quality. You may easily change your professional profile with our lightning-fast turnaround time. For gorgeous headshots in Melbourne for your websites, magazines, press releases, and social media accounts, contact our business photographers in Melbourne right now!


Professional Headshots Melbourne is committed to providing headshots for professionals throughout all sectors of the city. With years of experience shooting corporate headshots in Melbourne for all industries, you will be getting the best look that suits you for your career. Work with our corporate headshot photographers in Melbourne and allow them to ensure that you look professional in your way of reaching the goal.


Our professional Actor Headshots are shot in our photography studio in Malvern. With professional posing and working closely with you the client, our business photographers in Melbourne will help you achieve the right look you deserve. To keep up with industry standards, you need to look your best to get the role you have always wanted. Connect with us and see how our photographers use the background, your pose, your expression, and overall lighting to convey all the positive elements of your personality visually!

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update  your headshot with professional headshot.
Modelling portfolio professional photographers
professional headshots Melbourne photography
professional headshots Melbourne photography
affordable headshots photographers in Melbourne
Book your headshot  session with professional headshot Melbourne.


What we offer

Not a photogenic person? No worries; we can create the most amazing headshot that you will be proud to share online! We at Professional Headshots Melbourne constantly strive to produce crisp headshots that can convey the reliability & consistency of our clients.

With us, you don’t need to go crazy about poses for professional headshots. Our photographers focus more on minimalist poses. After all, we are here to showcase your professionalism, not some bizarre poses!

Our corporate photographers in Melbourne offer exceptional photo sessions for you and your company, where you will feel comfortable and at ease. You will receive the greatest quality you pay for because every headshot is meticulously upgraded to the highest standards after your session. Modern lighting equipment and cameras for photography are installed in our state-of-the-art studio.

To help you make the most of your extraordinary qualities, we provide Melbourne headshots that are both unmatched in price and speed. So, if you are seeking a “headshots photographer near me”, look no further than Professional Headshots Melbourne! Connect with us to discover our latest deals & offers on professional, corporate, and actors headshots!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Any Photographer Capture A Good Headshot?

One type of portraiture is headshots. It is always recommended to go for a portrait photographer with specific knowledge in the entertainment industry in order to get a superior headshot. Professional Headshots Melbourne will be able to help you with this.

While any photographer can technically capture a headshot, producing a good quality headshot often requires a certain level of skill, experience, and understanding of the specific techniques involved in portrait photography. Here’s why:

  1. Understanding Lighting: Proper lighting is crucial for capturing flattering portraits. A skilled photographer knows how to use different lighting setups to highlight the subject’s features, create dimension, and control shadows effectively.

  2. Posing and Direction: A good headshot photographer knows how to direct the subject to achieve natural and flattering poses that complement their facial features and body type. They can also provide guidance on expressions and body language to convey the desired mood or message.

  3. Composition: Composition plays a significant role in the overall impact of a headshot. A skilled photographer understands principles such as framing, rule of thirds, and balance to create visually pleasing compositions that draw attention to the subject.

  4. Equipment and Technique: While expensive equipment doesn’t guarantee a good photograph, having access to quality cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment can greatly enhance the quality of the final image. Additionally, knowing how to use this equipment effectively is key to achieving optimal results.

  5. Editing and Retouching: Post-processing is often a necessary step in producing polished headshots. A skilled photographer knows how to edit and retouch images in a way that enhances their appearance while maintaining a natural look.

  6. Understanding the Client’s Needs: A good headshot photographer takes the time to understand the client’s goals and the intended use of the photos. Whether it’s for professional purposes, personal branding, or artistic expression, they tailor their approach to meet the client’s specific needs and preferences.

While some photographers specialize in headshot photography and have honed their skills specifically in this area, others may have a broader skill set that encompasses various genres of photography. Ultimately, the ability to capture a good headshot depends on the photographer’s expertise, creativity, and attention to detail.

For Melbourne Headshot Photography, What Colour Works Best?

A safe choice if you are unsure about what to wear for a headshot is dark grey. The dark hue will seem classy and inspire intelligence and neutrality. You can also ask our photographers for suggestions on the most appropriate outfit.

When it comes to choosing the right color for background or clothing in headshot photography, it largely depends on the effect you want to achieve and your personal style. However, there are some general guidelines you can consider:

  1. Neutrals: Neutral colors like gray, beige, or muted tones can create a classic and timeless look. They’re versatile and won’t distract from the subject.

  2. Blues: Blue is a popular choice as it can convey trust, professionalism, and calmness. It also complements a variety of skin tones.

  3. Earth Tones: Earthy colors such as greens, browns, or warm terracotta can add warmth and depth to the portrait. They work well for outdoor or environmental portraits.

  4. White: A white background can create a clean and minimalist look. It’s especially effective if you want the focus to be solely on the subject.

  5. Black: Black backgrounds or clothing can add a sense of drama and sophistication to the portrait. However, be mindful of how it might absorb light and create shadows.

  6. Contrast: Consider the contrast between the subject’s clothing and the background. You want the subject to stand out, so choose colors that contrast nicely with their skin tone and hair color.

Ultimately, the best color choice will depend on factors such as the client’s preferences, the intended use of the headshots, and the overall aesthetic you’re aiming for. It’s also a good idea to discuss color options with your photographer to ensure they align with your vision and goals for the photoshoot.

How High of a Resolution is a Headshot?

Typically, photographers capture a 300 dpi, high-resolution image. They make sure the image is not its entire size in KB. Higher-resolution images are usually 10 MB or larger.

The resolution required for a headshot can vary depending on its intended use. Here are some common resolutions for headshots:

  1. Print: For printed headshots, a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi) is generally recommended to ensure high-quality prints. This means that for a standard 8×10 inch print, the image dimensions should be at least 2400×3000 pixels (8 inches x 300 dpi by 10 inches x 300 dpi).

  2. Web: For headshots displayed on websites or social media profiles, a resolution of 72 dpi is typically sufficient. The image dimensions will depend on the specific layout and size requirements of the website or platform. As a general guideline, aim for an image size of around 1000 pixels on the longest side for web use.

  3. High-Resolution: It’s also a good idea to have high-resolution versions of headshots available, even for web use, in case they need to be used in print materials in the future. A resolution of 300 dpi with larger dimensions (e.g., 2400×3000 pixels or higher) would be suitable for this purpose.

In summary, the resolution of a headshot depends on its intended use, with higher resolutions typically needed for print and larger displays, and lower resolutions acceptable for web use. It’s always a good practice to have high-resolution versions available for future use, even if they are initially intended for online use.

Is a Selfie Regarded as a Headshot?

No. A headshot is never the same as a selfie or an iPhone picture. Professional headshot photographers should always generate headshots. The procedure is much more than merely pressing a button on a screen.

While a selfie can technically be considered a type of headshot, there are some distinctions between the two:

  1. Professionalism: Headshots are typically associated with professional photography sessions where the photographer carefully composes the shot, controls lighting, and ensures the subject’s best angles and expressions are captured. Selfies, on the other hand, are often taken casually with a smartphone without the same level of professional setup.

  2. Purpose: Headshots are commonly used for professional purposes such as resumes, LinkedIn profiles, corporate websites, or actor/model portfolios. They are meant to present the subject in a polished and professional manner. Selfies, on the other hand, are often taken for personal use or social media sharing and may not always convey the same level of professionalism.

  3. Quality: Professional headshots tend to have higher image quality, resolution, and clarity compared to selfies. Professional photographers often use high-quality cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment to capture the best possible image, whereas selfies may suffer from lower image quality due to factors like poor lighting, camera limitations, or lack of editing.

That being said, in some casual contexts or for personal use, a well-composed selfie might serve the purpose of a headshot adequately. However, for professional purposes or when a polished image is required, it’s generally advisable to invest in a professionally taken headshot.

What Might Make a Headshot Quality Poor?

It will appear as though you did not put much effort into your headshot if it has bad lighting, such as strong shadows, bright spots in the backdrop, or shadows under your eyes. Therefore, always resort to personal branding photography done by our professionals.

Several factors can contribute to poor quality in a headshot:

  1. Blurry or Out of Focus: Blurriness can result from camera shake, subject movement, or improper focusing. It can significantly reduce the clarity and sharpness of the image.

  2. Bad Lighting: Poor lighting can result in harsh shadows, uneven lighting across the face, or overexposure. Proper lighting is crucial for achieving flattering and well-balanced portraits.

  3. Unflattering Angles: The angle from which the photo is taken can greatly affect how the subject appears. Shooting from unflattering angles can distort facial features or create unappealing perspectives.

  4. Distracting Background: A cluttered or distracting background can detract from the main subject of the photo. It’s important to choose a background that complements the subject and doesn’t compete for attention.

  5. Unnatural Facial Expressions: Facial expressions play a significant role in conveying emotion and personality in a headshot. Forced smiles, awkward expressions, or unnatural poses can make the photo appear stiff or uncomfortable.

  6. Poor Composition: Composition refers to how elements are arranged within the frame. Poor composition can result in a lack of balance, awkward cropping, or distracting elements that draw attention away from the subject.

  7. Low Resolution: A low-resolution image lacks detail and clarity, making it appear pixelated or fuzzy when viewed at larger sizes or when printed. It’s important to use high-resolution images for professional purposes to ensure optimal quality.

  8. Over-Editing: Excessive editing or retouching can result in an unnatural appearance, with smoothed skin, overly brightened eyes, or exaggerated features. It’s important to strike a balance between enhancing the image and maintaining a natural look.

Overall, a high-quality headshot requires careful attention to detail in areas such as lighting, composition, expression, and post-processing to create a flattering and professional image.

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45A Glenferrie Road, Malvern - 3144

Victoria, Australia


Monday - Friday: 8.30 - 19.00

Saturday & Sunday: 9.00 - 19.00

Bookings by Appointments Only


Mobile - 0450 399 766